3 Simple Stretches to Help With Shoulder Pain

Jan 24, 2018 | Shoulder Pain

With a new year ahead, it’s time to set some new goals! Whether it’s to do daily activities pain free or to improve sporting performance, we’ve got you covered. One of the most limiting factors that stop people from reaching their goals are sore shoulders; 2 out of 3 people will have shoulder pain over their lifetime, ranging from major traumas to ‘can’t sleep on my shoulder at night’.

Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of things but is often associated with muscles that are overactive, and muscles that are asleep. The main culprits in the overactive group are the pecs, lats, and subscap muscles which are commonly overused in people who have to sit at a desk all day or are always on their phones!

Here are 3 quick and simple stretches that will help give you some relief from shoulder pain and also improve your posture!


Pec Stretch


Lat Stretch


Subscap Stretch

Stretching these muscle groups are only one piece of the puzzle towards pain free shoulders. To make sure the pain goes away, and more importantly stays away, be sure to Click here to contact us so we can identify the cause of pain and tailor a program to help you reach your goals!

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