Dr Eric Hansen

Dr Eric Hansen

Founder & Principle Chiropractor


A twist of fate compelled Eric into the chiropractic world as he walked into the wrong lecture hall where the original goal was a science degree.

Eric’s interest in the Brain- Gut connection began after living through 20 years of Brain fog, poor hand-eye coordination, food intolerances and dermatitis. Fortunately, Erics road to recovery taught him a lot about how brain inflammation can impact you academically and socialy and gave him the tools to help others who are suffering from similar symptoms.  

Eric passed his ACNB exams in 2012 and holds a Diplomate of Functional Neurology qualification (one of a handful of practitioners in Australia). His journey has since taken him into the realms of vestibular rehabilitation, traumatic brain injury and more recently functional neuro-orthopaedic rehabilitation. Having access in his clinic to sophisticated diagnostic equipment has been a huge aid when treating complex cases such as vertigo and concussions.

Outside of work Eric usually spends his time playing lego with his kids.

Rebecca Hansen

Rebecca Hansen



Rebecca graduated in 2006 with a Masters of Chiropractic and quickly developed a reputation in the Gladesville area as a master of many disciplines. Rebecca went on to study acupuncture, nutrition, massage and more recently Animal Biomechanical Medicine (Chiropractic for Dogs and Horses). Rebecca now sees Dogs and Horses for aches and pains as well as people. If you think your pet needs help, ask Rebecca about if she can help.