POTS Treatment/Rehab

Oct 27, 2022 | Neuro Rehab, Uncategorized

There are several typs of POTS and multiple causes for POTS. At Brain and Body Health we aim to identify what parts of your brain/ nervous system are contributing to the POTS symptoms so that we can develop a therapy program to help you regain function. Typically, we use a combination of the following;

Vagal Nerve Stimulation

Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) helps to stimulate the processes of the autonomic nervous system. Using a TENS Ear Clip placed on the earlobe, the vagal nerve is stimulated to increase parasympathetic activity and reduce activity in the sympathetic system that triggers a person’s “fight or flight” stress response. At Brain + Body Health, this is one technique which is used to treat POTS as it is aimed at bringing the nervous system back into balance by increasing the relaxation response to better control stress and heart rate.

Transcranial Laser Therapy

Transcranial laser therapy involves the use of a low powered laser to influence molecular events within the body and the cells.Transcranial laser therapy functions via photobiomodulation, using specific light energy to stimulate processes occurring within the brain. This specific light energy reduces inflammation, increases energy production in the cells and stimulates regional blood flow. We use laser therapy to treat patients with POTS as it reduces symptoms attributed to an overactive sympathetic system. These improved outcomes have allowed patients to achieve greater day-to-day satisfaction and return to activities they were previously unable to complete.

Vestibular Rehab

Vestibular rehabilitation aims at reducing dizziness and the secondary symptoms attributed to vestibular disorders (nausea, fatigue, concentration issues) through an exercise-based program developed from the findings of a series of vestibular assessments.

Orthostatic Intolerance Training

Orthostatic intolerance training (OIT) involves 20 minutes of cardiovascular training at a level that does not go over their aerobic capacity (reliant on resting heart rate). Orthostatic Intolerance Training is a non-pharmacological alternative to treating POTS and improves symptoms through expanding blood and plasma volume to increase cardiac muscle mass. This overtime restores balance within the autonomic nervous system and reduces vestibular symptoms, enabling patients to have an overall better quality of life.

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