Aug 3, 2021 | ADHD, Neuro Development
If you have tried yelling ‘Calm Down’ at your kid with anxiety and it didn’t work then keep reading. If we look at anxiety from a neurophysiological point of view anxiety is an issue with over activation in some networks in the brain and underactivity in other...
Dec 19, 2017 | ADHD, Neuro Development
Poor behaviour. Poor attention. Poor gut health. If your child ticks any of these boxes then you know how it can make the simplest day-to-day tasks difficult. The vagus nerve and it’s effect on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is often overlooked in the...
Dec 5, 2017 | Neuro Development
SCREENS – they are everywhere! Computer screens, TV screens, tablet screens, phone screens; everywhere you look there is a bright flashing light staring right back at you. With the rise of technology, the hot topic that everyone wants answers to is what effect...