Welcome to Brain + Body Health Gladesville
Brain and Body Health is a multi-disciplinary health treatment centre in Gladesville, offering Chiropractic, Neuro Rehab and Children’s Neuro Development Services.
More than just manipulations, we use exercise + muscle release with our approach
Neuro Rehab
Using Neuroplasticity and tailored exercises to help your brain function better
Neuro Development
Helping kids reach their full potential by strengthening weak networks in the brain
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with Anna Gundry
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to see how Dr Eric Hansen can help you
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Welcome to the Clinic
How we treat low back pain
The stats are in, and what they're revealing is that 8 out of 10 people will have back pain during their life! 1 out of 10 will suffer serious disability from that pain! Here at Brain and Body Health, we use the best possible research to develop a treatment plan...
Clinic Updates
Why You Get Shoulder Pain
My Brother The Idiot, Shoulder Pain Part 2
Clinic Update 2 Part 1
Clinic Update 2 Part 2
I was offered some advice on how to get to sleep, I had to sleep on it!
The enormous bags under my eyes which are big enough to hold an entire week’s grocery shopping in them, my irrationally short temper and then add on the fact that my grouchy mood could frighten even the toughest man in the world. It’s not hard to tell that I’ve been...
The Black Hole we call Handbags – How to Reduce Shoulder Pain when Carrying Around a Heavy Bag
When we are out and about we are all guilty of just throwing useless crap in our handbags, making them a very common cause of shoulder pain. That “important” piece of paper which we are never going to look at again but refuse to throw away, where does it go? In the...
Heard a joke about flexibility once… It was a bit of a stretch
Whenever I see someone doing the splits or something that requires an insane amount of flexibility my first instinct is to be totally creeped out by it. My second reaction is to imagine how cool it would be if I was that flexible! Well, after doing some research I...
Myth Busters – Can popping a joint give you arthritis?
Before I start this article I just want to clarify that the type of joint we are talking about popping is not the illegal substance kind but rather the synovial joints of the body. These are the joints which allow for movement in the body, like the joints at your...